ARIES Obs. Shutter (100mm)
"We received the shutter today. It looks excellent as usual. Another triumph of German engineering."
Richard Bredthauer, Semiconductor Technology Assoc.
"We received the shutter today. It looks excellent as usual. Another triumph of German engineering."
Richard Bredthauer, Semiconductor Technology Assoc.
"We have mounted the shutter to its ODI interface. We also run the shutter yesterday evening, andit worked fine. This is very nice work!!!!"
Daniel Harbeck, NOAO, WIYN Collaboration
"We received the shutter today. It works great. Another triumph of German engineering. Can't wait to see it on the telescope. Thanks very much for your efforts."
Dick Bredthauer, Semiconductor Technology Assoc. (for the USNO Robotic Astrometric Telescope)
"Many thanks for great collaboration. I believe that the shutter will be a great point of our new system.
The new cover picture is really great!!! It shows exactly how we plan to use the new shutter !!!! Many many thanks once again!"
Andrzej Udalski, Warsaw University Observatory (OGLE Project, Las Campanas Obs.)
"Herzlichen Dank für die Shutter - sie sehen toll aus und wir sind gespannt auf das Ausprobieren!
Ein besonderes Genuss ist die jeweilige Anpassung der Dokus auf das Projekt - wo PanSTARRS einen high-tech Ananas-Schneidemachine bekam haben wir impressionistische Shutter-Kunst!"
Rick Hessman, Inst. für Astrophysik, Göttingen (Monet Project, North and South)
"Did I not email you to say how nice the shutters look?
... ...
The shutters, the packing and everything are VERY nice.
What a lovely job. Thanks to you and your team."
Gerry Luppino, GL Scientific, Inc.
"Hallo, besten Dank. Sind gut angekommen. Megadinger! Beeindruckend."
Klaus G. Strassmeier, Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam
"Boy, that was fast. We received the shutter today. It looks good.
... ...
We have operated the shutter and everything looks fine. Great work."
Dick Bredthauer, Semiconductor Technology Assoc.
"Update on the shutter, Jeff. Sidik started going through their manual and trying out the software modes and communcations. He was *very* impressed. It appears to be exceedingly well done (including warning LEDs and flags which come on if certain screws aren't in tightly!) and extremely flexible. I suspect that it will be a joy to work with and cause no end of satisfaction."
John Tonry, IfA University of Hawaii, Pan-STARRS project
"We have been running your shutter. It is great. Magnificent German engineering. "
Dick Bredthauer, Semiconductor Technology Assoc.
"... Given these uncertainties, there was _no_ difference in any of the times for any integration times, any blade, and any direction. The shutter looks great."
Steve Howell, NOAO, Tucson
"The shutter itself, (which in the meantime we operated with PULPO I) is truly impressive, as are your test results."
Olaf Iwert, ESO, 2003/11/05
After having spent many hours looking at the shutter opening and closing and listening to his nice "voice", I have to say that I am very satisfied with it. Thank you very much for the shutter and for having let me spend so much time at the instrument for testing.
Claudio Cumani, ESO
"I have used the 90Prime shutter on 3 engineering runs and have had no problems. ... It works great. We had a great time one day lying on our backs looking at the shutter through the Cass hole in the telescope (up at prime focus) and changing integration times to see the slit move back in different widths. That's entertainment!"
Michael Lesser, Steward Observatory
"Wir haben ihn noch nicht ausprobiert, aber der erste Eindruck ist: Edel, edel!!!!
(We havn't tested it yet but the first impression is: precious, precious!!!!)"
Ralf Kohley, Project GRANTECAN